Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tonight at our gathering we had trunk show where we shared our first quilts we made, here are some of them below.

Mary’s from 2012

     Fiona’s from 2018

Cheryl’s first Quilt made for her grandfather 2004

Another Quilt by Cheryl made in 2006

Baby Quilt made by Sandra in 2014

Dawn has recently started quilting 2023

Annie’s first quilt quilted on her long arm quilting machine 2014

Rosie’s first Quilt which was cut out with scissors because she didn't have a rotary cutter, it was quilted by hand. Made in 2000

One of Caroline first quilts made in 2003 .
Another Quilt Caroline made for her daughter in 2004

Lorraine’s quilt made from scraps called Lorraine’s return to quilting 2024 quilt.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

30 April

 We had a lively group tonight with lots of interaction. Some varied skills on display, some knitting, some sewing and some cross stitch.

A reminder that there is a Sit and Sew Day on Sunday, all welcome. 

Diane has managed to complete a beautiful Chandelier quilt. She continues to use her scraps to make her quilts.

Hong brought along her lovely jacket which she has enhanced. She purchased the applique and used a Japanese skill surrounded by chain stitch.

Sheila has been busy since February making a bookcase quilt for a 21st birthday present. The lace on the bottom belonged to the recipients grandmother. She wanted books for her birthday so that is what she got.

Sheila attended a reverse applique workshop and put her new skills into practice to make this table runner.


The group has a new email address: ssandq@outlook.com

On the 15th May this happy group met to enjoy time away from sewing although sewing was discussed! A fun night with lots of companionship and laughter


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

While we didn’t have any show and tell we had some work in progress to show.  

The girls having a sit and chat about their on going projects.
Mary working on her charity crocheting blanket.
Margaret  is working on the Hare and Owl block of the month from the Homespun magazine.

These three blocks are some of the returns from our current group challenge , stay tuned for the finished project should be a beauty when completed.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Catch up on some show and tell over the last couple of gatherings, the ladies have been busy with different projects.  Here they are below.

As you can see below the ladies work on different projects all the time, but at the weekly gatherings it is not uncommon to see knitting, crocheting , embroidery, or just catching up with your fellow quilters.

Sheila attended the Kilmore group workshop and learnt reverse appliqué, I can see a new workshop coming up for us. 

Another beautiful quilt 

From Sheila, a block of the month quilt  completed and freemotion quilted by Sheila.

Judy working on one of her famous bags, who doesn’t love these bags.

Margaret working on the Hare and Owl quilt.
Caroline working on her sashiko 

Janice brought along her finished quilt featuring some beautiful fabrics and quilted by Black Forest quilting.  

Annie brought along her bag, love the bee on the front.

Robyn showed us the quilt made for a special friend who I am sure will love it.


Friday, March 8, 2024

March Retreat 2024
Another retreat has come and gone, those who attended had a very relaxed three days of eating , laughing, chatting , solving problems of the world.  Oh and lots of Sewing, unpicking but most of all just catching up.

Ann completed the front of the homespun Owl and Hare ,  just need to trim the border on a bigger table. 
Robyn and Ann provided the entertainment trying to work out the instructions for a bag Ann brought,  Ann finished hers on the right Robyn sensibly decided to do hers at home.  Robyn started her Hand pieced Penny Stamp quilt, going to look great look for the finished product in a later blog 
Di worked on her Poppy Quilt .

Sandra Finished her Bunny Wall hanging all but the quilting. Still deciding what to do on that front.
Ta da The Pear Quilt . By Sandra
Cheryl worked on her snail quilt

Working away on our own projects happily chatting.
The next retreat will be in August.



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