Thursday, March 19, 2020

A Wonderful Display

We had quite a few visitors enjoying the spectacle of our wonderful quilts being displayed on the pews at St Mary's Church on Saturday.

I can see some of my orphan blocks.

Gee it's cold out here!

The raffle quilt

Congratulations to Barb for winning the Marlene Admani Award for her very beautiful quilt Dear William using William Morris fabric.  The quilt was designed by Michelle Hill and the execution displayed in this quilt is exquisite.

Marlene was a special member of our group who died of cancer and it is always lovely to remember her each time the trophy is won.

Barb's quilt was a crowd pleaser but so were all the other quilts on show. Some of our members are very experienced and other still early into their journey.

Enjoy this feast for the eyes!

These are only some of the quilts!  Would love to see photos from other members.  Send them to me, Glo, or post them yourself!  Special thanks to Judy, Evelyn and the other workers who made the display possible. Well done guys!

Hope you are all safe and well as we go through this terrible ordeal that has been put upon us all!  At least quilters are never without a project to begin or complete!

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